
"Hello World"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday already

My OH my, time does fly when one is busy looking for work.

I really want this Halloween Event to be a great success!

I feel good today, forgiveness is a wonderful feeling. Hate takes up so much energy.

What needs more energy is the position our Canadian politicians have put us into. Really.
I have so many questions. Like; I do not understand why we have to pay tax at a second hand store?
Correct me if I am wrong but did we not already pay tax on these items? It almost makes you want to go out and buy new just to beat the double tax system down! or is that what they want us to do??? but new and support big business?

I have other questions but I better spread them out. Just joking, I have some paper mache to make. I am in the middle of making a ticket booth and a monster chair. I finished a jumbo pumpkin but now I have to paint it.

The kids spent the last of their pocket money (They were allowed to keep the money from the personal  things they sold in the garage sale) and they bought the Sony Play Station Move system. WE LOVE IT.
PLAYSTATION ROCKS. We are the biggest fans ever.
Why bother with any other system? PS3 has everything you need for entertainment! EVERYTHING! I really love the Sing Star and Buzz too! This MOVE is just awesome. Everyone should have one. It makes great fitness on a rainy day.

Well gotta amche. Thanks for reading.
Have a nice Wednesday.

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