
"Hello World"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Early Thursday Morning

Good morning. It is supposed to rain again today but I guess all in all we need it:)

So, it is already halfway through September and we have come a long way from being evicted
in the middle of summer.  I do not think that I have even had a minute to catch my breath. Oh
but wait a minute, I have not had a minute to catch my breath in over 19 years, so why start
now!!! My time will come. Besides I have learned over the years to just take one day at a time
and live each moment without regret.
So do I have regrets?  Not if I believe that  everything happens for a reason. It is clear to me
that God has a plan for us, we just have to keep the faith. Without that then I would be pissed
right off at the world around us all the time!!
Maybe it is like on the show 'My Name is Earl' and Karma is using me? Maybe this situation is
not about us at all? but about how strong we are and the job that needs doing, maybe we are
the ones to do it?

If you have read our story so far you may be wondering if I have had any word from Annette Ringier?
Well, no. I have contacted her to let her know of the situation we are in but I do not think she likes
to feel responsible at all.
I assure you that one day when I am rich, I will not treat people this way. When you offer to help
someone you do not do it half way, you do it right or you do not offer at all!

It makes me think of that song by the 'Black-eyed Peas' - Where is the Love.  Oh I love that song.

So, back to the puzzle... where are we? Where did we end up? Well let me tell you. 
I am writing a book on our entire situation, starting with the life we had in Switzerland and moving
on to our traumatic return to Canada. So far in this book I have had a couple of Swiss heroes and here
in Canada I have come across my first real set of Heroes. Not one but 5.
Call it the 'Power of Prayer' or 'Karma' but every once in awhile the Universe 'throws you a bone'.

As I told you, I first went and knocked on the door of my in-laws only to be rejected, so I went off to
a woman's shelter only to be told they would have to split up our family. So... I landed on the doorstep
of my old friends parents and bless them, with a hug and a welcome they took us in for a couple of days. This reunited me with my old friend. Oh God it was and is so good to see her again.
Like I said before, in situations like these you quickly find out who your friends are. It turns out I do
have friends.
After a couple of days and endless phone calls to Homeless shelters and lawyers and being turned
away by both we were ready to pack things back up in the van and go off East where maybe they have
better help for their Homeless then here in BC.
After being all repacked and ready to go, we were invited to go to my friends cousins place for pizza
for a birthday. Pizza, well okay. Plus one more night enjoying the good company was not so bad either.
When we got there and spent a bit of time meeting everyone, my friends cousin came and took me by
the hand and led me around the corner to what turned out to be his guest house. We were invited to
stay for a bit to gather our wits.
Did I say that loud enough?
Even with a dog, 2 cats and a ferret we were welcome to stay.
What a blessing. We then took my kids over to see and they were just as shocked as I was. 
By nature my youngest took me aside and said "Sure but how long until we are kicked out of here?" So I said ,lets just take a moment to catch our breath and stretch out someplace other then a van seat.
My kids like it here on the coast very much. They absolutely hated it in Prince George because of the smell we could not even enjoy going out into our beautiful back yard. At least down here we could go out and take in some fresh air.
I take the time to go down to Blackie Spit to let our dog run around freely and breath the salt air. Oh God it feels so good to be home. The spit used to be my back yard when I was a kid.

Up until now I have kept our whereabouts private because I still do not want to cross paths with my ex.
But now that I am organizing a charity event, I know that will be very hard to do. And you know what?
F%&# him. He is the idiot and not me. How dare he make me feel scared and unable to return to my own home. How dare he.
You know what else my friends cousin has done for me?  Got me a lawyer that I am meeting today to take matters under control. Wow.
I am not sure how it will go but at this point "Bring it On!"
I have the judgment with me about what the Swiss Judge ruled and if that does not hold up in the courts here then I will march right to the newspapers to let them know that people should know that when you leave Canada your life will no longer matter. I sure hope that does not happen!  What judge would doubt another judges ruling? After all, do not all judges go by the same book?

If we were still in Switzerland enjoying our lives as we once did, and my husband asked for a legal divorce, I would say just do it. Bug off. But for some reason we are here and having to deal with the situation, so maybe he is meant to pay? Maybe all my years (13 to be exact) of taking care of my children at no cost to him is not universal justice? Maybe he needs to pay his share to be at peace? Who knows?
All I know is that we need help.

So, do I want much? Not really. I think about it this way. With the earning power of a man, he should have at least, by the very minimum, put away $300-$400 each month in a savings account for the kids. $100 each for them and $100 for my alimony. Or is that too much to ask because that is a couple of games of golf for him?
Who knows.
Any how.
I figure if he did at least that then by minimum he should have at least $50,000 in this savings account and that should help us to make a down payment on a house to call home (because oh God, we do not ever want to be Homeless again, renting is too risky) and enough to make the mortgage payments for a year while I get back on my feet work wise.  
Plus there should be some left over for seed money to start up this business my oldest son came up with. We know that when it pans out we will never need to ask for money or help again. We would actually be in a position to help others. After all, that is a family goal. It always has been. To be in a position financially to help others.
When I had my 'Pit Stop' and 'Cafe Canada' I helped others all the time.  I taught English for free. I hosted birthday parties for free for the poor.  If you came into my cafe and could not afford food, I fed you without thinking twice. Every event you see that I did on my You Tube video was done for free. Yup Free, free free.
I figured that as long as we had a roof over our heads and food in our tummies, why not.
We look forward to that day coming again. Giving feels so good. It is the taking that is hard to deal with.

Are we "Homeless' ? Yes, Homeless house guests.  Are we broke? Yes. Am I on the system? No. Why?
Because my Uncle sent me a bit of money I was told that it would be deducted from funds I would receive and because they have told me straight out that I could lose my kids and I do not want to risk that.
Are my kids in danger or in a bad way? No. 
I ask them all the time if they would prefer to go and live where they have more stability then what I can offer them at the moment and they smile and say;
 "Oh Mom, you worry too much. You keep us safe and fed, we will not be broke forever, something good is about to happen, just wait and see. We do not need to break up and have unwanted experiences.
We have seen Extreme Makeover and see how some other families have had to live. At least they have
each other and that is what matters most. That is what we have, each other and lots of memories and
history together, that is what makes us stronger as a family. When we are rich and look back, wow we
came a long way and we did it as a team!"

I told you I have great kids.  GREAT KIDS. Soon to be great adults. GREAT ADULTS.

So wish me luck today. I see this lawyer this afternoon. I will not cry, I will not cry. I will keep my chin up and tell the truth, the whole truth, so help me God.  I hope this lawyer is ready, for he is about to meet...

Have a lovely day. I wish you well and Thank you for being with me through all this.
Bless you All

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