
"Hello World"

Friday, September 10, 2010

In the paper today

Wow did you catch the front page of the Province Newspaper today?

"Fighting Homelessness WATTS' WAY Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts is determined to make a difference and isn't waiting for the Provincial Government to act"

Surprise, surprise!  I keep saying there is a problem.  And when you open up to read the story what is the focus? That in order to be homeless you must be having some kind of drug problem. What?
Where are the real solutions as to where to go and what to do?
What about the people who have problems like mine?

I am homeless so hear my rant...

If our Government can flip the cost of the Olympics without a second thought, then why oh why can it not put an end to being homeless?
How about the idea of when you lose your job you are subsidized, so you do not lose your home too, and put into a proper job program to get you back up on your feet instead of getting lost in the system. Why not?
Social Service or Unemployment Insurance does not even give you enough to make it through the first month! They think this is some kind of 'Tough Love' well get over yourselves politicians, your system SUCKS!!!

By the way, who was the idiot that set the minimum wage at $8-$10 an hour? Who? I can tell you this, the person that set this wage does not work for this wage!  No one can run their household on this income. NO ONE! And when you can not run your house hold then what happens?? Oh yes, you know... drug abuse and alcohol abuse because you get to the point that you just do not care any more. Yes it is true.

No, I do not have a drug problem. The money I received from Annette Ringier made sure all my bills were paid. The problem was I could not find a job that could do the same. And without help to reestablish my business I would never be able to pay all my bills. Thus, I am now homeless!

What if the minimum wage was set so you could pay your bills. This means your rent, hydro, food and medical. Would you be stressed then? No! Would we have hundreds of thousands of people running to their doctors for drugs to deal with stress? NO. I say No No No!!!
It is a vicious circle our Government has put us into. Vicious and needless!

I am very serious! Did you know that there are woman that stay in abusive situations just because there is no help out there for them to go to. No job that will pay enough to live independently from their abusive spouse.
So they stay and the abuse continues! 9 out of every 10 abused women stay because of money (or lack of it)

And drug abuse. do not get me started!!! Who are the biggest drug dealers?? Oh you know who!
The doctors! Yes that is right!
Just look at the crap they are passing out! And 90% of it all is to do with stress related issues. And do not tell me otherwise, but money (or lack of it) is the number one cause of stress!

Really we all know this, we are not stupid (well not all of us). 

Why are the kids having stress? Because there is no one at home! In order to make the bills all paid both Mom and Dad have to work! So Government, who is raising our children? The schools Ha NOT! The doctors passing out drugs and what they get addicted to from there just goes on and on and eventually gets taken to the street. This is how our children are being raised! Shame on Canada.

Please, I have spoken to a number of people both rich and poor. I have heard stories from both sides that would make your toenails curl under! The bottom line is, there are drugs out there being given by our 'Doctors' that are very addictive and detrimental to your health and well being. Why is this allowed to happen? Why? Are we not supposed to trust in our 'Family Doctor'? Trust in our 'Government'?
It is the 21st century and I am not sure who to trust! I trust myself and I trust my kids. Is there not anyone else out there???

What if we just stopped and took a step back to look at our priorities? What if we stopped and did the right thing.
We hear about Random Acts of Kindness. What if our Government practiced it?

Think about it for a minute. Who would actually suffer?
Big businesses that is who.
Why because instead of having people work for slave wages they would have to pay their employees a wage fit to live on.
Other then their own personal pocket books being effected, would this not make for happy employees? Is it not true that happy employees equal a happy work place? Yes, it does.
Come on, a good example is Mr Jim Patterson. Does he really need to make billions of dollars? I mean good for him but is greed not a 'sin'?
Hey Oprah Winfrey is worth that and more but she gives back. She gives back lots. I think it is called Karma.

What if all employers have to hire people and pay them enough to at least pay all their bills. Then they are happy workers and do not have to over stress themselves and get a second part time job to make ends meet? Or have the ability to keep their spouse at home to care for the children and make sure they are fed right and off of the streets and happy.
What if???

Okay, just maybe I am seeing things a lot differently then the average person because I am drug and alcohol free :) or maybe because I have been out of the country for long enough (10 years) to see that the grass is greener on some sides of the fence.
But what if we could really change things so our Canada was as great as people think she is! Really, all the people in Europe think that Canada is the greatest place on Earth to be. No one could figure out why I loved living in Switzerland so much.
Maybe we could live up to our reputation? Just maybe eh?

As it is, right now. No one I know is Europe actually believes that I am now homeless and that there are over 1 million homeless in Canada. "In Canada Randie, you must be joking"! No one understands that we have long line ups at food banks and homeless people sleeping on our streets.

I wish the world was filled with people like Oprah Winfrey, Jamie Oliver and the teams that come together for 'Extreme Makeover'. Bless them all. If we had this in Canada then just maybe our Canada could be all she could be.
I know that her people wish for this wholeheartedly.
Good People
Good Faith
Good Government
Good Food
Good God...where is the Love?

Thanks for letting me rant ahhh. I can breath now.
I have to go. I must look for a job.
Wish me luck.

Oh, by the way, what does 'Over Qualified' actually mean? You would think that companies would appreciate someone with lots of experience to bring to the table.
If anyone knows of a job I am qualified for, please let me know.  I have 3 kids to take care of.
Thank you
and have a lovely day

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