
"Hello World"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday Night

Rain rain go away. 
I must admit the gray sky does nothing to put a smile on my face.
I know, I know it is the season but maybe I needed summer just a bit longer.

I am trying very hard to stay optimistic about my situation but some days it
is hard to keep my chin up. I know I have to stay strong but days like today
I could just melt into bed (preferably with a sexy man) and not get out at all.

My son has come up with an awesome business idea and I mean 'Off the Hook
Awesome', so I am going to pull myself together and by the end of the week I
will have a business proposal put together and ready to flog the idea to an
investor. I know it sounds like I have big 'Mojo' (or some people would say...
Big Balls') but when you are a single mother of three you have to!!!

Just because I do not still have my 3 businesses does not mean I am a bad
business person. Remember that they were taken from me.  I was in another
country and at the mercy of the help given to me. (again as seen on You Tube)

This time it will be different. This time I will be in control. Or rather in equal
partnership with my oldest 'Computer Genius Son'. And if you are going to
go into business with someone it is important that you trust them!
Now all I have to do is find a trustworthy investor! Any ideas??? :)

I may be down financially at the moment but I am not here to stay. If it means
I have to go back to scrubbing toilets then "Scrubbing I shall"!!
I will do whatever it takes to keep my family afloat (except sell my body)!

When we succeed with this new business venture, we will step out of the box
and help others. We will give back by helping put a stop to the 'homeless problem'
that is in Canada.
Step by step if we all do a little bit this problem will be solved.
YES, I challenge you too!!
What can you do to stop this terrible problem?
There has to be something you would be willing to do to make a difference.

To start things off, I am going to organize a 'Haunted House' this Halloween
to raise money and awareness for the homeless!!!
As you seen on my You Tube video, last year in Prince George I made such
a Haunted House for Center City Remax and we raised $1300 for the St Vincent
Food Bank in just one day.
I am a mover and a shaker !!!
Okay so $1300 is not much but it if every business out there raises and donates
this amount it will quickly add up.  If you are a business owner it may even be tax
deductable! So there!
Lets pull together Canada and show we care because being homeless can happen
to anyone.
YES, it could even (God forbid) happen to you!
Wouldn't it be nice if we prevented it before that happens :)

So, this Monday I start organizing Halloween during the day and preparing our
business proposal by night. 
We will get the job done. We will make a difference.
If you want to help please email me at:

Just maybe you can help make our path a little less bumpy :)

...and if you can not help us, please just say a prayer for us. Thank you.

In between all this work I will be cooking and cleaning and taking care of my kids.
Although they do help a lot now that they are all older. My daughter is a wondeful cook
and often prepares meals without even being asked. I am very lucky.
They are signed up in Home School again as it is easier for them to work at their own pace
on the computer. Once we do find a permanent home they will join school.  Right now they
have a lot of online friendship as well as each other. Plus they tend to make friends easy
where ever we go.
Just last week my daughter went to the movies and a sleepover. They are all doing okay.

All our pets are okay too. By walking the dog 3 times a day, we get plenty of fresh air.
The cats give us just pure love and comfort. The ferret is a bundle of entertainment.
Bless them all. We are very thankful to have them in our lives. We could never give them up.
We are just one big happy (homeless) family.

Thank you for reading along.
Good Night and Bless you
Randie and the Gang

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