
"Hello World"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My second Blog

What a funny word 'Blog'.

It is 1:45 am and I am calling it a day.  I have been packing and moving and cooking and trying to clean.

Like I said we are evicted. What happened. Well...

The only help Annette kept to was she sent me money each month. Nothing had been prearranged, as I had
been told that when we land in Canada we should take a moment to relax and distress then buy a van and go house hunting for a home big enough for my new business. Swiss-Canadian Connection. Ugh that did not happen.
Who knew I would have troubles???

First off we were all in shock and stress was saying it lightly. we were (and still are) devastated!!!
I was sick the whole trip. I may as well have got my ticket for the toilet and not bother retuning to a
When we arrived we were in culture shock. (and still are)
The hotel was already booked out but they managed to give us a couple of days stay, then we had to go to a
different hotel and then another and another and another.

If you want a good business to be in run a hotel, they are in big demand.  It may sound fun the hotel life but
trust me when you do not know your budget and you have no credit card. It is not fun at all. So many of he hotels would not take cash and without a credit card 80% turned me away. The other 20% made be leave a $200-300 deposit. That is if they even took cash!
It turns out Canada is debit card crazy and I did not have one.  And without an address the bank would not even give me an account to get one.
I tell you it was crazy and stressful beyond beleif.

The reason we are being evicted is this:
At the end of June when I was expecting money from Annette, she stopped without warning. Fully knowing that I had not been able to find work or reestablish myself or qualify for any kind of social assistance, she cut me off.
Yes, I wrote to her and to her 2 assistance that were assigned to me. They all knew what would happen and the problems I was and am having. yet still they just stopped!!! No warning the money just stopped and boy was I unprepared.

So, when I could not pay my rent I was given the notice of eviction on the 11th of July telling me we had to be out on July 31st. I was in shock again!

Now not only did my funding stop but we are also evicted. Now what???

I went to look for help and I was told there is no use trying to get anything from Annette because she lives to far away in a different country to fight legally plus she is rich and can fight me under the table.

This made me as sad as I am mad.  It is just not fair! If I was given the help promised in the first place we would be settled and earning our own funds. My kids would be relaxed and making friends.

Being evicted on such short notice is difficult when you are also broke and have to do everything on your own.
I am alone. My back needs a rub!

There is just so much to do! Last fall it was organized (separate from Annette) to have all our thing sent out to us. 300 boxes!!! This was my 'Pit Stop' and 'Cafe Canada' and personal belongings of mine and my 3 kids.

I was already trying hard to find work so I did not have time to go through all the boxes yet. Now I was not only forced to go through them but in an effort to raise some funds for food and bills, I was now forced to sell everything off.!!!
I can not afford to keep anything. I can not afford to reestablish my businesses, one or the other. I had to garage sale like crazy.
Did I make money, hardly.
Yard sales are a sad business. They go some what like this...
"How much is that?"
"Oh, I will take $20 for it, I paid $100"
"I will give you $5"!

It went on and on like that only it was mostly a dollar here and there.  I could not afford to put an ad in the news paper so my market was the posters I made and stuck up on light poles around town.

It is really hard not to be mad and disappointed at Annette Ringier right now. This all hurts very bad.

Her last e-mail to me said:
"You will never run a business"!
"My money gave you fantasy"!
"Take your kids to your husbands parents already and go on social sevice"!
quote, unquote.

I am off to bed. Oh that is right, I have no bed. I am off to the floor.
"Goodnight" or rather  "Good Morning"
I have a full day tomorrow.
I had asked my husbands lawyer for help and told her it was ASAP but we had no reply.
She knows to tell him we need this help now but the e-mail reply was for me to go and get a lawyer and pay for it myself.
Like that is going to happen. How do I pay?
Tomorrow, well today, I have to go down to welfare and beg for some money.
Wish me luck

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