
"Hello World"

Monday, August 16, 2010

4th Blog

Okay, it is Monday today and we woke up to a crimson son. It looks wild. Maybe it is air pollution?
Prince George has a very extreme pollution problem, it stinks here. literally

Well I dragged myself down to the Welfare office to ask for help and guess what. They can not help me at the moment because they have to assess my situation and urgency. Apparently this will take 3-4 days.

I guess having no phone to be reached at and no residence to reside in is nothing of urgency? I told them I am broke and we are evicted but still there is no help and no offer of which direction to go. Why is that?

Please take a moment to understand. yes I am Canadian but for the past decade i have had the chance to live in the country of Switzerland. A land where they take care of their people, there are no food banks, there are no homeless shelters. Just people ready to help people. What is our problem Canada?? We have 1 million homeless on our very own door step! Where is the help? Where is the love?

So, we will finish packing up and go. Where?  I am going down to my home town of White Rock and wait Social Service help out there while on the beach (in fresh air).  I have to sell all my jewelery to do get gas money.
Well it is not my jewelery, I have never really owned any. Really!I only have the little bit I made at the garage sales. It should get us some gas and food, if nothing goes wrong we should make it. God Speed.

If there is absolutely no help in Social Service in my White Rock then ...
I have no choice now but to land on the doorstep of my in-laws. This should be interesting. We do not have a good, or any, relationship at all. But what choice do I have. It is not about me, it has never been about me. It is about the kids. I need help to keep them safe.
Although I do not consider my inlaws a safe place or exposure to my husband safe. I would have no choice.

I have raised my kids wonderfully and I have confidence they can hold their own.
Yup, they can really hold their own.

Me on the other hand, I do not know how to NOT break my husbands nose when I see him again. If I see him.

My kids tell me (Oh God they are smart)
You can not get mad at stupid people. They are stupid and do not know what they are doing. You can not laugh in their face either. The only choice we have is to smile and remember they are stupid and nothing they say matters.

We actually sit around and have these conversations. It is wild. I never did that when I was their age. Speak wise.
We all agree with George Carlin, people are okay... one minute at a time. After that the stupidity level is no longer tolerable.
Or like Jeff Foxworthy puts it. "Life would be a lot easier if stupid people had to wear a sign". "Here is your sign" Then we would know who to speak to or not.
Makes complete sense to us.
There are some days when we would like to have a pile of "I am Stupid" signs and just pass them out as we go.
How bad is that to say.

I put my resume out there asking to work with intelligent people. I have had no responses.

Well, I have got to go. Busy busy busy. Packing, cleaning, cleaning and packing.

Have a lovely week.  I am not sure when I will be back on line because I also have to return all our internet equipment to the Shaw office today. But I will keep this lap top with me as I am sure we will be able to fine a free connection somewhere along the way.

Thank you for listening ( yes I know you are reading, it is just an expression)

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